Wednesday 10 August 2011

Puppets of Nature

Its been a long long time since the creation of Earth. Back then, Man used to fear Nature. Our Pre-historic fore-fathers are known to have worshiped Mother Nature. People were much more God-fearing since they didn't know the cause of half of the occurrences. Years have passed since then....things have changed....evolution happened...advancement happened. Now people have explanation on more things under the sun than their pre-historic ancestors. Although, people are still God-fearing (at least some of us ARE), they can make a difference between natural calamities and wrath of the Gods.
 Despite everything, every technological, educational, mentality-wise advancement and broad-mindedness, we are still mere puppets at the hands of Mother Nature. When the horrific Tsunami struck Japan only months ago, they had no option but to surrender.Experts in India say  that within 10 minutes of the attack, they were sure that India was out of danger zone. Big Achievement. I admit it- that piece of news did put my mind to rest for a while. But i was plagued by the thoughts of the people of Japan. They had to suffer the first blow! They didn't get a chance to check and make sure that they were safe because they were hit first!

It's easy to make sure after someone was affected but what about the suffering state? They didn't get a chance to put themselves to safety!
Calcutta or Kolkata in India is experiencing something like that. Well, nothing compared to Japan but we are still play dolls right now. Monsoon is showing her angry face and if the rain don't cease soon, am afraid that flood is inevitable! The roads are submerged in water, every corner looks like a lake. In my 20+ plus, i have never seen water getting inside the ground floor of my house, but today even that happened.It's still pouring cats and dogs. At evening the water-level on road was knee-high.It has gotten a bit down now....but still its over feet-high.
Economists have rightly said that human wants are unlimited. When its summer, the heat is too scorching, we want rain. And now we have rain....albeit too much, now we are praying for a slice of sun-rays. And right now people of Kolkata, desperately need the sun and the heat.

It's right in front of my home, on the side-walk.....well it used to be a side-walk before it turned into a stream.

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